Episode 41

Professor Dennis Pearce has published a new book called Interpretation Acts in Australia.  This invaluable resource fills a gap in the learning on interpretation as a companion volume to his foundational text (with Harry Geddes) Statutory Interpretation in Australia.  The new book deals in depth with all the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the interpretation of legislation in this country – things we all may skip over, forget, or be blissfully unaware of.  Do you know, for example, what the ‘change in style’ provisions say or what the courts have made of them?1  You may also wonder (like me) how you did without this book for so long.  Interpretation Acts in Australia will be launched by Gageler J of the High Court during the Public Law Weekend at ANU.  iTip – get this book!

Gordon Brysland – Tax Counsel Network

See here for the official PDF of interpretationNOW! Episode 41

In this episode:


Writer – Gordon Brysland, Producer – Suna Rizalar.

1 Episode 42 will deal with this next month.