Statutory Interpretation in Australia
Dennis Pearce has published the 10th edition of his classic text, a monumental achievement15. For half a century, this book has guided courts, academics and practitioners with authority, style and perspective. As LexisNexis says, it is the ‘most cited text on Australian law’. The slim volume which appeared in 1974 has grown in line with the influence of statutes and evolution of the principles applied to them.
In his Foreword to ‘this historic edition’, Gageler CJ (at vi) praises the ‘clear and systematic identification and statement of those principles’. As a work of enduring significance, ‘The Tenth’ sits on the shelf of the chief justice for good reason. Chapeau Dennis!
This principle is from Episode 105 of interpretation NOW!
15 $210 LexisNexis paperback, Editions 3 to 8 co-authored by Harry Geddes.